Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This seems entertaining...

Why hello there.

This is an experiment, in which I make a blog and see how long I bother updating it. It might end up being fun, depending on the type of traffic I get, or it might be extraordinarily dull in which case I will stop post haste. However, whichever outcome occurs, let it be known that I am not attempting to do anything special with this blog, and it serves no special purpose save for me to post certain links, incidents and various other things I feel the need to share. Also, rants will be quite frequent. I've been told that I can be quite funny, but some times I try to hard...so we'll see how successful this really is.

Either way, I really hope that you don't enjoy the ride, and if you leave a bad comment, I desperately hope it's because of something I said.

Have fun with your pointless endeavors to entertain yourself and make your insignificance a bit more meaningful...

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