Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yes, I actually do have conversations like this.

Me: how are you gonna break
Her: hmm
Her: hammer to the forearm?
Me: that sounds interesting but ultimately rather uninspired
Her: oh
Her: im sorry i can't be more creative
Me: mmhm
Me: forexmaple
Me: you will go ice skating
Me: and you decide to be daring and stay in there after hours
Me: and then as you finish a perfect triple toe loop you trip on a bump in the ice
Me: a zamboni revvvs out of no where
Me: and comes speeding across the ice far too quickly for you
Me: but you manage to grasp onto a rope that just happened to be dangling from the wall of the rink
Me: and you PULL! as hard as you can
Me: and manage to avoid the zamboni almost completely
Me: only the big toe which you tragically dislocated on your trip and was thus a bit longer than usual
Me: was ran over and mangled by that rampant zamboni
Her: LOL
Me: then the zamboni was stopped by your feral scream and you pulled yourself to safety
Her: hm
Her: interesting

Product of too much bio lab a few days ago :p

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