Saturday, March 7, 2009

First real quiz bowl tourney, and a the horror that is next week.


I had a great time at the quiz bowl tournament, despite rather numerous pit falls: some fail questions (grammar check, anyone?), a repeat of a bonus question, bad organization, some fail readers and a ridiculously large amount of down time (for me). But, I had a great time; some really funny moments, ridiculous answers, and as always, the lawlz that is Watson Ladd.

Highlights: AMATERASU (rawr), Buenos Aires (still ridiculous), and some incredible negs. Also, props to Watson for getting highest points per game AND most negs for round 1.

As far as next week....FML. Seriously
Spanish Test-ugh
Lit Presentation-I don't even have a poem...fuck
Spanish Presentation-ugh
History Test-eh...
Math Test-easy
Trip from Sunday->Monday (Yay!)

And then a physics test monday, as well as a 10 page immuno paper due sometime next week that I have no CLUE when I'll be able to start.

I want the new trimester to start.....

On a lighter note, this is my last trimester of not-seniorness! Yay!


  1. Such a typical end-of-trimester week for a bca kid, including multiple extracurricular commitments and teachers who tell us nothing.

    It's terrible that I see that list and just laugh hysterically.

  2. >.< i'm trying to compare my list to yours, and though they're almost completely different save lit and history, i don't know which one's worse.
    just know you're not alone. ^^

  3. congratulations: you are obnoxious.

  4. Also, apparently Dr. D decided that i have another paper for immunology due tuesday...10 pages on the history and science of AIDs. Yay?

  5. You will find that Watson gets most negs and most total points very often. This is not unusual.
