Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Interesting Weekend

I had a great time at WAMUNC! My first real conference, I won honorable mention (3rd) for my committee and had a really good time overall. Good food, fun committee sessions, and I even went to a mosque (mandatory excursion, kinda strange but neat). The bus rides were a little long (7 hours the way there! curse you, traffic!), but we put together a decent time out of them. In some rather eccentric ways, for the most part.

However, part of me is incredibly pissed right now. I can't stand my family at the moment! I was on such a high after coming home, I had such a great time, was in a great mood. And then, within 30 minute of coming home, I'm pissed off and hiding in my room. Why, you ask? Because I can't deal with my family at all! I just can't deal with them. We clash nearly perfectly, in that no matter what we do we have spectacular fights on. I'm honestly getting sick of them. College! Come!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Should be quite fun. I have my second model UN conference, and my first trip....which I should probably write the position paper for. The topic is fascinating! I'm quite glad I switched, because Geithner....not so much. Also, my mom is freaking out about me going, what I should bring, whether I'll be okay, etc. Really, it needs to stop. Overall, I'm quite excited, I think. Though nervous about missing some classes (read: orgo). I'll update later with how it goes, though I doubt I'll win anything.

In other news, Mr. Mendelsohn once again gave me a B+, with an 89.7 avg, for the second trimester in a row. The exact same average. Luckily, it means I only need a 90.6 to convert to an A- for the year. Like that's happening. My other classes seem to be pretty much all A's, except for an A- in spanish (but like everyone dropped this trimester because Seltzer is evil!) I have ACTs in like a week and two days, which is mildly nerve-wrecking, but overall not so much. I guess that's because most of the material seems easy and I'm doing well on the practice tests. Also, I have SAT part two coming up in May should I fail ACTs. Though after that, I'm stuck with taking in October if I don't do well, which I REALLY do not want to have to do. Sigh, tangents.

I feel like I have to ask myself this question, constantly, made popular by Heath Ledger: "Why so serious?"

Time to get to work! (or pack).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I hate the administration!

Due to their bullshit, BOTH of the electives that I REALLY wanted to take were cut.

Molecular Biology III (Gastroenterology) and 20th Century Russian History. Honestly, what the hell. I wanted to take both of these, and they both manage to get canceled? Gah! I have no clue what I want to take now. Maybe I'll try for band or orchestra, just to fill a spot. This is seriously pissing me off though.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Burned Out

I'm completely burned out. I can't gather any motivation to do ANYTHING right now. I have a 10 page paper on AIDS due tomorrow for my Immunology 2 elective that I can't make myself continue. I have much more work than I anticipated, and instead I'm watching youtube videos and chatting. I have "early-onset" (comparatively) senioritis, and this is bad. I still have a full trimester in which I have to get owned by lit, after all. Can't quit too early. Honestly though, shit. I need to get through this fricken year and rehab over the summer....but I'm finding it incredibly hard to make myself do anything. Fuck me.....This year needs to end. Post-haste.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

First real quiz bowl tourney, and a the horror that is next week.


I had a great time at the quiz bowl tournament, despite rather numerous pit falls: some fail questions (grammar check, anyone?), a repeat of a bonus question, bad organization, some fail readers and a ridiculously large amount of down time (for me). But, I had a great time; some really funny moments, ridiculous answers, and as always, the lawlz that is Watson Ladd.

Highlights: AMATERASU (rawr), Buenos Aires (still ridiculous), and some incredible negs. Also, props to Watson for getting highest points per game AND most negs for round 1.

As far as next week....FML. Seriously
Spanish Test-ugh
Lit Presentation-I don't even have a poem...fuck
Spanish Presentation-ugh
History Test-eh...
Math Test-easy
Trip from Sunday->Monday (Yay!)

And then a physics test monday, as well as a 10 page immuno paper due sometime next week that I have no CLUE when I'll be able to start.

I want the new trimester to start.....

On a lighter note, this is my last trimester of not-seniorness! Yay!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A brief rant regarding certain classes.

I. Enjoy. Getting. Grades. Back.

For real. This is not a drill. I want my grades back. I slave like a cotton picker in the 18th century and for what? To not get a single grade back since I turned in the first assignment of the trimester in early december? That's such shit. And it's not only for one class-history and anatomy. I just don't get shit back. I could be completely failing, and would I know to bring my grade up? Of course not. GAH.

Also, my math class is going to drive me insane. The sheer amount of stupidity in it aggravates me. For example: In the time it took for my teacher to go over law of cosines, I figured out two ways to prove it that I hadn't seen before. Also, when I do calc in class I get yelled at to put it away because it's not math. What the HELL. I so wish I wasn't placed into this bull...

And while I'm ranting about classes, my lit teacher makes me cry. End of story