Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A brief rant regarding certain classes.

I. Enjoy. Getting. Grades. Back.

For real. This is not a drill. I want my grades back. I slave like a cotton picker in the 18th century and for what? To not get a single grade back since I turned in the first assignment of the trimester in early december? That's such shit. And it's not only for one class-history and anatomy. I just don't get shit back. I could be completely failing, and would I know to bring my grade up? Of course not. GAH.

Also, my math class is going to drive me insane. The sheer amount of stupidity in it aggravates me. For example: In the time it took for my teacher to go over law of cosines, I figured out two ways to prove it that I hadn't seen before. Also, when I do calc in class I get yelled at to put it away because it's not math. What the HELL. I so wish I wasn't placed into this bull...

And while I'm ranting about classes, my lit teacher makes me cry. End of story

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