Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Interesting Weekend

I had a great time at WAMUNC! My first real conference, I won honorable mention (3rd) for my committee and had a really good time overall. Good food, fun committee sessions, and I even went to a mosque (mandatory excursion, kinda strange but neat). The bus rides were a little long (7 hours the way there! curse you, traffic!), but we put together a decent time out of them. In some rather eccentric ways, for the most part.

However, part of me is incredibly pissed right now. I can't stand my family at the moment! I was on such a high after coming home, I had such a great time, was in a great mood. And then, within 30 minute of coming home, I'm pissed off and hiding in my room. Why, you ask? Because I can't deal with my family at all! I just can't deal with them. We clash nearly perfectly, in that no matter what we do we have spectacular fights on. I'm honestly getting sick of them. College! Come!

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