Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Oh boy. What a strange time this has been. I'm honestly not sure what to make of this break so far..It's been odd.

ACT scores up in.....7 hours and about 10 minutes? I'm nervous. I really want to end the shit known as standardized tests.

I feel like it's already late in break, and I should be working non-stop to attempt to mitigate the amount of work I'll have to be doing in the coming weeks. Hm. Unfortunately, I seem to have left my anatomy binder at school...not sure if that matters to much though. I do have two editions of campbells as well as the internet, so that should be enough for the take home test.

I've also officially started the college process (In my mind), in that I have asked for and gotten confirmation for my first recommendation (from my IB History teacher, if anyone is curious). Only one more left, but i'm not sure if I want it from my physics teacher or my anatomy teacher. Choices choices.

I wanna do something soon...I'm going stir crazy in this house. It's so boring! And I have been out pretty much each day of break so far. Except today. That's how incredibly boring my house is. I need plans tomorrow. Maybe I'll go read something...I have enough time to finish a nice long book before scores come out. That might calm my nerves a bit. Yeah. Or, on the other hand....not?


The Mets are pissing me off btw. Fucking out fielding errors are going to cost us the season? This is bullshit.

Okay I think I'll stop ranting now....I'm in a very odd mood right now.

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