Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I feel pretty useless right now.

I'm doubting all my regular decision apps. I'm fairly sure my deferral is a long long road to rejection. I'm beginning to regret applying in the first place--did I honestly think I had a shot??

I amuse even myself sometimes.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I am...

Incredibly anxious and nervous!

1-2 days most likely...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tentacion: El Poema

This is the poem that I started working on at 1:40 monday morning, then got a reception of "creative, deep and beautiful" or something to that effect. Ugh...Spanish class.

I don't know if it even makes sense.

Baila en el borde de sus pensamientos
Constantemente, burla su determinación
“Ven aquí” el susurra
“Se que tu desea”
Pero sabes que no puedes escuchar

Siempre esta en su conciencia
Coerce tu a los pecados
“Jugar con nosotros” los pecados piden
“Será muy divertido!”
Pero sabes que no puedes escuchar

Siempre esta creciendo
Cada vez, mas difícil de ignorar
“Estás rompiendo!” el Alegó
“Poco a poco, estamos ganando”
Pero sabes que no puedes escuchar

Finalmente, es demasiado fuerte
Tentación, no más débil
“Por fin, por fin!” Se cacareó
“Ahora no hay escape”
Y sabía que tenía que escuchar

If you don't know what it means, google translate it if you care and you'll get a fairly accurate idea....considering that's how I did it in the first place!

Almost there!

The end is in sight!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I'd love to do my revision, but my opthamologist is away on vacation.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yes, I actually do have conversations like this.

Me: how are you gonna break
Her: hmm
Her: hammer to the forearm?
Me: that sounds interesting but ultimately rather uninspired
Her: oh
Her: im sorry i can't be more creative
Me: mmhm
Me: forexmaple
Me: you will go ice skating
Me: and you decide to be daring and stay in there after hours
Me: and then as you finish a perfect triple toe loop you trip on a bump in the ice
Me: a zamboni revvvs out of no where
Me: and comes speeding across the ice far too quickly for you
Me: but you manage to grasp onto a rope that just happened to be dangling from the wall of the rink
Me: and you PULL! as hard as you can
Me: and manage to avoid the zamboni almost completely
Me: only the big toe which you tragically dislocated on your trip and was thus a bit longer than usual
Me: was ran over and mangled by that rampant zamboni
Her: LOL
Me: then the zamboni was stopped by your feral scream and you pulled yourself to safety
Her: hm
Her: interesting

Product of too much bio lab a few days ago :p

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The internet makes me sad sometimes

Quote from random twitter browsing:

TheyCallMeIdiot: #youhaveanicebodybut you are so idiot and childhood

....words cannot describe how appalled I am.
And this isn't even the worst of the bunch.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Science > Aquinas (*lol*)

Saint Aquinas's theory of God, *simplified*, is as follows:

Everything has a cause, and nothing can cause itself, because that would require that object pre-existing itself. If one extends the notion of every object having a cause infinitely, it obviously doesn't work. Thus, there has to be an initial cause, eternal in nature. That cause created everything else, at least indirectly. That cause, we call God.

He extends this same rationalization to things being in motion, etc.

"Scientific" exploration:

Let us take two things to be true:
God exists
The Laws of Thermodynamics

Let us look at the very beginning of the universe, according to Aquinas. All that would exist is this initial cause, that we refer to as God. It is evident that this is the most ordered state of the universe: there is only one being, and he is perfection. Perfect order exists. We know that according to the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy of the universe is always increasing. Thus, it is impossible for this perfectly ordered universe to be sustained-it must tend to disorder. It follows then that this God, this initial cause, must create. As he creates, more things are in existence in the universe, it is more spread out, more chaotic. This necessitates a continued creation, so as to increase disorder, so God or his creations must continue to create.

What this tells us about Aquinas's proof:

If it can be rationalized by science, then it is false, as theology and science do not mesh.

Yes, I'm aware this is complete bullshit. The premise doesn't really work and it's a ridiculous progression of logic. However, it is entertaining to consider :) Basically, this is a product of immense boredom.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

College Admissions

College essays are by far the most irrational thing I have ever attempted to write. And this is after multiple years of submitting utter bullshit for lit essays.

The essence of the issue, as far as I understand it, is that we are attempting to convey our identity to a school, so that they may gain a deeper understanding of us. Instead of numbers, we are supposed to jump out of the page and form something more real. However, the essays are extremely contrived. How is it showing who we really are if the entire point, as far as the student sees it, is to make themselves stand out even more? Most everyone attempts to discuss their flaws in such a way that they show their own path to splendor, or else they take the other and equally as cliche route, in which they simply detail one of their true accomplishments. How does one judge a person when all they are presenting is their most intriguing, interesting sides as vetted by everyone under the sun they could get to read their essay?

"Oh! I know!" said the colleges. "We'll alleviate the contrived nature of the essay by having people interview with us. That will show us their true selves!" Except not. It's the same inane bullshit, tooting one's own horn for the purpose of engaging the interviewer. It is not a true representation of one's character, and I fail to see how colleges can even pretend that that is the case.

I'm not sure if this post is the product of a rational, logical thought process or whether it's merely me expressing my discontent with the strive for attention that is the college process, but regardless it is rather infuriating.

Time to go write my own contrived essays!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Too soon??

But hysterical none the less.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Not sure I can keep up with all this

There's just so much to do this year. I already have legitimate homework assignments for nearly every class, as well as presentations and papers already assigned. I have quizbowl, which runs for a few hours every Thursday. I have karate, which is 2 hours on Sunday and ideally 2 hours twice during the week. Soon, I start riding with the local ambulance corps, probably a 6 hour shift once a week. Then, I have college apps.

Oh, and did I mention I'd like to see my friends occasionally?

I'll manage of course, but I can't see how the first half of this year is going to be anything better than hell....and I thought last year was hard. Hahaha.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


i rite gud mang stop makin me proof it ;-;

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


What an amazing, hysterical song.

The Kinks-Lola


I met her in a club down in old soho
Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola [lp version:
C-o-l-a cola
She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said lola
L-o-l-a lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

Well Im not the worlds most physical guy
But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
Oh my lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
Well Im not dumb but I cant understand
Why she walked like a woman and talked like a man
Oh my lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

Well we drank champagne and danced all night
Under electric candlelight
She picked me up and sat me on her knee
And said dear boy wont you come home with me
Well Im not the worlds most passionate guy
But when I looked in her eyes well I almost fell for my lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
Lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

I pushed her away
I walked to the door
I fell to the floor
I got down on my knees
Then I looked at her and she at me

Well thats the way that I want it to stay
And I always want it to be that way for my lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo lola
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
Its a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo lola

Well I left home just a week before
And Id never ever kissed a woman before
But lola smiled and took me by the hand
And said dear boy Im gonna make you a man

Well Im not the worlds most masculine man
But I know what I am and Im glad Im a man
And so is lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
Lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Is at once a most-welcome and most-infuriating thing.

Lately, I find myself staring at a computer screen between the hours of 2 and 5 am, wishing I could sleep. But there's an issue with that-I'm not tired. Why? Because I didn't sleep until 5 am the day before, of course! This is a rather aggravating cycle, brought upon myself via what amounts to fear. That is, fear of experiencing memories of some of the worst experiences I've been through. And despite my relatively young age, I can say that I've been through more traumatizing experiences than most my age. Said memories seem to take a gruesome delight in bombarding my consciousness while I dally in the dreary world between states of being awake and asleep. With such experiences awaiting me should I try and fall asleep, I generally spend my nights staring at a computer screen until I am 2 minutes from passing out, at which point I will gladly drift off. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen until far later than I should be sleeping.

Something is going to have to change...I have to be awake in about 9 hours, and then for the next five weeks I have to be out of the house at 8:40 Monday-Thursday for EMT training. So my options are down to confronting my memories or doing what I do through out the school year-working on a mere four to five hours of sleep, every single day. Sigh.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I has!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My hobby:

Overusing ridiculously asian emoticons in your average AIM conversation:

"I just had dinner! \(^o^)/ "

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fuckin' Chemistry

1) MLIA -------------------> MILA

2) MILA + FML ---------------> MILF + AML ( Mother I'd Like to fuck at my leisure)
Arctic Ocean

So, if you life is both average and being fucked, you get a nice surprise.
Yes I'm very bored.
Also if you understand the Artic Ocean being a solvent than ^5 to you.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers day

Second worst day of the year? I think so.

I had the wonderful experience today of my grandma coming up to me and asking all secret-like, "How come you guys aren't doing anything for fathers day?"

Wow, what a great idea! How could I have been so blind and forgetful as to not getting anything for fathers day. Obviously I should have gotten my dead father & 2 grandfathers breakfast in bed and a nice manly gift on this joyous hallmark holiday.

Oh wait. Not.

Agh, what a stupid bitch. I really want to hit her.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


School is almost over, finally.

But holy shit I've been busy. And I have like 5 tests in the next 2 days, but this weekend I should be able to make a real post.

Not that the interwebs care.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

I don't get it


I hate this stupid confusion. And yet I'm not entirely what I'm confused about since the result was entirely expected. Maybe I'm just foolish.

Ah well, 10 days!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


This is some hysterical stuff:

"This book builds on the works of Arp, Bauval, Childress, Collins, Cremo and Thompson, Dunn, Felix, Hancock, Hapgood, Joseph, LaViolette, McTaggart, Pye, Radin, Rux, Sheldrake, Sitchin, Van Flandern, Von Däniken, and others who question common knowledge

- to develop a theory of nearly everything, without Relativity,

- that explains what science, history, and religion have not.
Discover scientific evidence and new theory that:
- The universe is not expanding from a Big Bang.
- The Theory of Relativity is not valid; light is not a speed limit.
- Define how the ether produces gravity and electromagnetism.
- The ether consists of subatomic "spheritons" that travel faster than light.
- Light-conducting spheritons are Dark Matter; Dark Energy does not exist.
- Explain that life came to Earth from another known planet every 60 million years.
- All 20 Egyptian pyramids had similar industrial functions.
- The Sphinx and Great pyramid were built in 62,100 BC.
- The water for Noah's Flood in 10,800 BC is in plain sight.
- Identify the origin of our biblical God and the science of Universal Intelligence.
- Explain how spheritons store and transfer the memories of man and God.
- Explain how spheritons may enable paranormal mental capabilities."

It's excellent. I wanna go buy it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I really have no qualms...

With people being religious. In fact, it's nice that some people can find comfort in something no matter how badly their life sucks. Some times I wish I could do something similar (and then I think of how awesome I am and it's all good).

So yeah. I have no qualms with you being a religious nut...until you start throwing it in my face. Then, it gets fucking annoying. Like seriously, refrain. I don't need to hear you squealing about god in the middle of class. I don't need your facebook statuses to be proclaiming that you're crying out joyously because your redeemer lives. You can be religious, that's cool. Just don't be so god damn annoying about it (phrasing intentional).


I'm annoyed.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Take 2

Lynch project filming, take #2

Let's hope it goes a lot better this time. With like, a working camera and you know...no accidents? yeah.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Whoah. Neat.

Check it outs.
Unless you're squeamish.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Never thought it could happen to you, eh?

What 17 year old driver, 3 months into his license thinks they're going to have an accident? Certainly not me.

Life sucks and then you get in a car accident?

Luckily, no one from the crash was hurt....words can't really describe the type of shock I was in. But yeah.

I'm doing okay, my Neck is stiff and rather painful right now, but that's kind of a given. If it persists maybe I'll get it checked out. Right now I'm just kind of in shock. I feel guilty, upset, ohmygodhowdidthishappento me, etc. I really just wanna rest, but I can't make myself sleep. God what a shitty weekend...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


My brother decided leaving the car unlocked would be a good idea. We live in a complex. It wasn't.

This morning, I went to the car. Shit was thrown around, glove compartment was open, some stuff was strewn on the street. EZ pass was still in. Looked like the car had been vandalized but it was decided that nothing valuable was taken. THEN, I found out as I was about to drive home from school that they took my sunglasses. My rather expensive porsche sunglasses that were a present. FUCK. They were so nice too, ugh this is sooo annoying. And yet, my mom told me not to be a dick towards my brother.

Screw this. I hate people.

Also, I can't go to chatham (QB tournament) because I have to do my lynch project on saturday.
Fuck this week.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Germany-USSR !!


My room is messy

Should I clean it??

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Suggestions? (Regarding next year's schedule)

I'm currently pondering my schedule for next year. As of now, I am signed up for the following courses:

AP Physics C
AP Biology
AP Calculus BC (probably not going to bother with bc+ despite knowing the material for bc...)
IB History HL
IB Literature HL
Anatomy & Physiology 2
Gym/Family Living

Now, that list would have AP macro which would round out my schedule, but I was prevented from taking that without a placement test....which is extremely stupid. However, I am not sure if I want to just take the free that would leave me with or take another class. The classes I am considering are:
AP Chem (But Rick is teaching it....so maybe not)
AP Micro (But I don't really want to....)
AP Comp Sci A (Anderson? Ew....but easy)

At this point, if I do take a class I'm leaning towards a comp sci, but I'm just not sure what I want to take or if I want to take one at all. Gah.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Large post of random thoughts

As I type this, I'm sitting in my living room at 12:40 pm on a school day. I guess it's nice to have allergies sometimes, even though I could hardly breathe until about 40 minutes ago. I'm not even really sure what the point of this post is....maybe there is none. Oh well. I'm trying to figure out what I am going to do with my life for the next 5 years....college admissions process blows and I really don't want to start it. Especially because I'm not going to get in anywhere I'd like to....despite being (let's ignore arrogance) rather intelligent (I hope), I was a lazy shit freshmen year and my GPA shows that. On the other hand, I have an upward trend through each year and this year I'm sitting at straight A's (with like 2 A-'s. Grr mendy). I really hate the idea that me being lazy freshmen year could kill my chances at a good school. I'm hoping that my upward trend, good test scores and life story will get me in at ONE of my top choices. That'd be ideal, but it's probably not going to happen. And its not only for my sake-I'd be perfectly willing to go to a NOT-top school, if I found some that I like. First of all, it wouldn't be that hard to get good grades and transfer out should I want to AND it would be easier for me to get a great GPA which is unfortunately necessary for med school. However, I'd prefer not to for the simple reason that I love being surrounded by intelligence and people who aren't tend to anger me. But the real reason I don't feel I can is my family-they have this unreasonable expectation that I'm going to be accepted to numerous top schools and attend one of them. Personally, I think that's ridiculous. Even for a top student, the <10% admit rate is daunting and rather hard to beat. But for someone whose grades aren't really within the range if you take the cumulative GPA, it's rather laughable. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky at one of the higher schools that are willing to forgive things like lowish GPAs in freshmen year provided I demonstrate some legitimate passion. Or something.

Yay walls of text filled with equal amounts of arrogance, insecurity and honesty. How uncharacteristic of me.

Speaking of things being uncharacteristic of me, while I'm ranting about a bunch of stuff I might as well cover a topic I consider to be important-Me. In some ways, I'm very happy with who I am in high school. I have a decent group of friends, I'm funny, I'm fairly intelligent and I enjoy myself. On the other hand, people that don't matter (read: ones that I don't like) would automatically say that I'm an antisocial asshole upon being asked about me. Now, I don't think I care that much (but I obviously care more than I'd hope to considering that I'm writing about it), but sometimes it would be nice for more than...10? people to know that there's more to me than the dick persona I present. Obviously, this portrayal of me is my fault, but eh. Maybe I'll be able to turn that around eventually.

Maybe I shouldn't have stayed home alone. I think too much, and my thinking tends to go towards bad places when I'm not doing anything moderately productive.

Today is May the fifth, if you weren't aware. Which means that it's really close to June. Which means that it's really close to the end of junior year. Which is *awesome*. yaaaaaaaaayyy. I'm very excited for the summer. I'm hopefully doing EMT training, and I might be going away. Like, from the eastern seabord. That'd be cool-never really done it before.

Okay, I'mma end this before I go off on even more random tangents. Next post when I have something to talk about.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wow. I hate this paper.

The first question ran me nearly 2,000 words. On its own. Out of six. Luckily, the rest of them are not as long as this....I hope.

If they are I think I'll scream.

Back to work....
-A very annoyed & tired person

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ACT Writing up

Yay! I got a perfect (12/12) on the essay, which vindicates me a bit for the 32 on the english section. This gives me a 33 combined english/writing...better I s'pose. Unfortunately it doesn't affect my composite so it's still a 34. Rawr.

Sunday, April 19, 2009




Not amused.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Has anyone ever noticed...

That if you change the first letter of their names to an 'F', a lot of the ivy league schools have very amusing names?

University of Pennsylvania->Fniversity of Pennsylvania

Obviously the first three are the best, but yeah. I'm late and I thought this was funny.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Results are in....

Composite: 34

English: 32--Screw this! No idea how this happened. Especially looking at reading.
Math: 35--cool

English pisses me off! If i could have only had a 33, then my 137/4=34.25=34 becomes a 138/4=34.5=35!!

THEN I'd be completely set. As far as this goes, I have no idea what my opinion is. I think I'll cancel my SAT 1 retake, because looking at naviance this is average or above for our schools acceptances to most of my desired colleges. However, I also think I'll retake ACT, not looking much at studying except English! If I can pull that up a point or two I'll be quite happy.

Thoughts...? Worth retaking or no? Ugh. This score vexes me...even though it's by no means bad.

Holy shit.

Just like everyone to know that I'm freakin out right now x_x

I want my damn score! 7 minutes is too long!

--New post shortly detailing whether or not I failed...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Oh boy. What a strange time this has been. I'm honestly not sure what to make of this break so far..It's been odd.

ACT scores up in.....7 hours and about 10 minutes? I'm nervous. I really want to end the shit known as standardized tests.

I feel like it's already late in break, and I should be working non-stop to attempt to mitigate the amount of work I'll have to be doing in the coming weeks. Hm. Unfortunately, I seem to have left my anatomy binder at school...not sure if that matters to much though. I do have two editions of campbells as well as the internet, so that should be enough for the take home test.

I've also officially started the college process (In my mind), in that I have asked for and gotten confirmation for my first recommendation (from my IB History teacher, if anyone is curious). Only one more left, but i'm not sure if I want it from my physics teacher or my anatomy teacher. Choices choices.

I wanna do something soon...I'm going stir crazy in this house. It's so boring! And I have been out pretty much each day of break so far. Except today. That's how incredibly boring my house is. I need plans tomorrow. Maybe I'll go read something...I have enough time to finish a nice long book before scores come out. That might calm my nerves a bit. Yeah. Or, on the other hand....not?


The Mets are pissing me off btw. Fucking out fielding errors are going to cost us the season? This is bullshit.

Okay I think I'll stop ranting now....I'm in a very odd mood right now.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Not that I'm excited or anything. Really...I swear. Or not. Oh well.

So far in break, I really haven't done much. Except not turn in the lit essay (I couldn't register for the class!), learn a bit of programming in python and make my entire family hate me.

But none the less, the ability to sleep and not be worried about another day w/ certain teachers is a godsend. Well, a non-existant godsend. Except it does exist. So really, it's just fucking awesome.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Reading posts on the internet by stupid people makes me feel better about myself.


I don't think I've learned anything about astronomy since like 3rd grade. And I had no idea that Saturn is big.

If the question were, say, what is the SECOND largest of Mercury, Earth, Mars, and Venus, I bet most of you would've had no idea."

Regarding one of the science questions on the ACT, which literally asked: Which of these planets is the largest?
A: Mercury
B: Earth
C: Saturn
D: Venus

People legitimately freaked out because of the "immense amount of prior knowledge it required" which was "absolutely ridiculous for the ACT to expect people to know".

Lmfao. Stupid people are hysterical.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'm an Ass

leave me alooone
then what numbers do i use to calculate the initial resistance
i'm busy
noo.....i realllly need help
room temp

it should be easy
i ct do this tomorrow


you're fucking lab

does not take precedence

over what i want/have to do

because i care more about me than you



And I don't give a shit. Honestly, fuck you, I matter more than you do, and I care about my time far more than I care about yours. Agh.

In other news, I'm pretty sure I did quite well on the ACTs! I think I'll hit my 34-36 score range. And BOAT was awesome.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Ohhh boy. ACTs this weekend.

If I get a 34+ composite, I've decided that I'm done with standardized testing and I will NOT bother to take the SATs again in May. Then I can focus solely on the three SAT II's I'm taking in June. That'd be kind of a freeing feeling. Regretfully, BOAT is also Saturday, so I can't be there for the whole thing. Hopefully it'll be awesome though.

In other news, in a week I'll be on glorious spring break! And after that, only two months left as a junior. Wow. That's kinda neat. Although, college's intimidation is only getting more and more ridiculous! I'm seriously flipping out. (If anyone cares, my favorites as of now are: Brown, Northwestern, Cornell, Johns Hopkins and a few others-doubt I'll make any of these though...)

Yay summer! I can't wait to be an EMT. I want this to happen quite badly. And speaking of next year, I think I've decided on an internship oppurtunity-the Stevens Institute of Technology Optics Lab. They do a lot of work with different kinds of lasers, and it sounds incredibly cool. I was originally thinking a rotations one, but I'm already doing EMT training this summer and will be working with my local ambulance corps. at least once or twice during the week, so I wanna focus on some of my other interests.

Wow, this post had a lot of digressions. Yay for spewing what ever is on my mind?

P.S.-Ms. Fuentes made $473 in the time it took me to write this.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Interesting Weekend

I had a great time at WAMUNC! My first real conference, I won honorable mention (3rd) for my committee and had a really good time overall. Good food, fun committee sessions, and I even went to a mosque (mandatory excursion, kinda strange but neat). The bus rides were a little long (7 hours the way there! curse you, traffic!), but we put together a decent time out of them. In some rather eccentric ways, for the most part.

However, part of me is incredibly pissed right now. I can't stand my family at the moment! I was on such a high after coming home, I had such a great time, was in a great mood. And then, within 30 minute of coming home, I'm pissed off and hiding in my room. Why, you ask? Because I can't deal with my family at all! I just can't deal with them. We clash nearly perfectly, in that no matter what we do we have spectacular fights on. I'm honestly getting sick of them. College! Come!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Should be quite fun. I have my second model UN conference, and my first trip....which I should probably write the position paper for. The topic is fascinating! I'm quite glad I switched, because Geithner....not so much. Also, my mom is freaking out about me going, what I should bring, whether I'll be okay, etc. Really, it needs to stop. Overall, I'm quite excited, I think. Though nervous about missing some classes (read: orgo). I'll update later with how it goes, though I doubt I'll win anything.

In other news, Mr. Mendelsohn once again gave me a B+, with an 89.7 avg, for the second trimester in a row. The exact same average. Luckily, it means I only need a 90.6 to convert to an A- for the year. Like that's happening. My other classes seem to be pretty much all A's, except for an A- in spanish (but like everyone dropped this trimester because Seltzer is evil!) I have ACTs in like a week and two days, which is mildly nerve-wrecking, but overall not so much. I guess that's because most of the material seems easy and I'm doing well on the practice tests. Also, I have SAT part two coming up in May should I fail ACTs. Though after that, I'm stuck with taking in October if I don't do well, which I REALLY do not want to have to do. Sigh, tangents.

I feel like I have to ask myself this question, constantly, made popular by Heath Ledger: "Why so serious?"

Time to get to work! (or pack).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I hate the administration!

Due to their bullshit, BOTH of the electives that I REALLY wanted to take were cut.

Molecular Biology III (Gastroenterology) and 20th Century Russian History. Honestly, what the hell. I wanted to take both of these, and they both manage to get canceled? Gah! I have no clue what I want to take now. Maybe I'll try for band or orchestra, just to fill a spot. This is seriously pissing me off though.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Burned Out

I'm completely burned out. I can't gather any motivation to do ANYTHING right now. I have a 10 page paper on AIDS due tomorrow for my Immunology 2 elective that I can't make myself continue. I have much more work than I anticipated, and instead I'm watching youtube videos and chatting. I have "early-onset" (comparatively) senioritis, and this is bad. I still have a full trimester in which I have to get owned by lit, after all. Can't quit too early. Honestly though, shit. I need to get through this fricken year and rehab over the summer....but I'm finding it incredibly hard to make myself do anything. Fuck me.....This year needs to end. Post-haste.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

First real quiz bowl tourney, and a the horror that is next week.


I had a great time at the quiz bowl tournament, despite rather numerous pit falls: some fail questions (grammar check, anyone?), a repeat of a bonus question, bad organization, some fail readers and a ridiculously large amount of down time (for me). But, I had a great time; some really funny moments, ridiculous answers, and as always, the lawlz that is Watson Ladd.

Highlights: AMATERASU (rawr), Buenos Aires (still ridiculous), and some incredible negs. Also, props to Watson for getting highest points per game AND most negs for round 1.

As far as next week....FML. Seriously
Spanish Test-ugh
Lit Presentation-I don't even have a poem...fuck
Spanish Presentation-ugh
History Test-eh...
Math Test-easy
Trip from Sunday->Monday (Yay!)

And then a physics test monday, as well as a 10 page immuno paper due sometime next week that I have no CLUE when I'll be able to start.

I want the new trimester to start.....

On a lighter note, this is my last trimester of not-seniorness! Yay!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A brief rant regarding certain classes.

I. Enjoy. Getting. Grades. Back.

For real. This is not a drill. I want my grades back. I slave like a cotton picker in the 18th century and for what? To not get a single grade back since I turned in the first assignment of the trimester in early december? That's such shit. And it's not only for one class-history and anatomy. I just don't get shit back. I could be completely failing, and would I know to bring my grade up? Of course not. GAH.

Also, my math class is going to drive me insane. The sheer amount of stupidity in it aggravates me. For example: In the time it took for my teacher to go over law of cosines, I figured out two ways to prove it that I hadn't seen before. Also, when I do calc in class I get yelled at to put it away because it's not math. What the HELL. I so wish I wasn't placed into this bull...

And while I'm ranting about classes, my lit teacher makes me cry. End of story

Saturday, February 28, 2009

An un-presidented video

This is an absolutely brilliant video...you have to watch it to fully comprehend it. It gets good about a minute in.
Tell me what you think.

Also, I've been rather remiss in posting lately, but I plan to change that soon. A real post is coming this weekend, I think.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stupid People

There is nothing that annoys me more than stupid people. And by stupid people, I don't mean your run-of-the-mill dumb asses who can't answer the following question *credit goes to the book/movie Idiocracy*:

If you have one bucket that can hold two gallons, and another bucket that holds five gallons, how many buckets do you have?

If you can't answer that question, then you don't annoy me, but only by virtue of the fact that you now have an ice pick in your eye. Hey, don't look at me like that...it was a public service. I swear. However, I digress.

Stupid, in this sense, refers to a broad variety of people. In general, stupid people in this usage covers one ore more of the following list:

People who simply won't. shut. the. fuck. up.

People who are disgustingly loud-so much so that when they speak, your eardrums start cowering in fear.

People who are USELESS. This is huge for me-if you have intelligence, talent and drive, and all you do is sit at your desk and play fucking computer games or other useless crap for hours and hours and do absolutely nothing productive like go back to college, get a job or work to pay off your student loans, you suck. A LOT. Not that I'm referring to a specific person here, or anything...yeah. This is merely an example.

People who attempt to portray themselves as intelligent, and do not realize that all they are doing is proving their utter ignorance and incompetence.

People with absolute zero work ethic, especially as applies to group projects.

People who focus their entire existence on being dicks. Speaking of which, I'll have to post the flow chart I made eventually, regarding a certain person always being a dick. No matter what.


As you can see, this list covers a LOT of people. Yet, without fail, they annoy me. If they would do such brilliant things as relieve themselves of their ignorance, wear a muzzle 24/7 or voluntarily get kicked in the ass so as to start being productive, than I would cease to have (much of) a problem with them. However, as things stand, I can't stand you.

This brings me to my easy check list:


1) You read articles on CNN/The New York Times/etc, find one statement that seems intelligent and repeat it as much as you can.

2) When you talk, laugh, yell, sing or make sounds, small animals keel over and die.

3) When you talk, people who are generally considered to be intelligent either keel over and die or start laughing. Conspicuously.

4) Your name is Sarah Palin.

5) You are a product of incest (see #4).

6) You sometimes get stuck in doorways. Because of your head.

7) You live in Alabama/Georgia/other like states (see #5).

8) You are extremely intelligent, and yet contribute absolutely nothing to your family, society or your bank account.

9) Your idea of a busy day is having three raids schedule on World of Warcraft, or its equivalent.

10) You really enjoy arguing. WITH PEOPLE THAT AGREE WITH YOU.

I can't think of anything else to add at the moment, but suggestions are, as always (*note*-not really always. I'm a bitch like that) are welcome.

Eventually, I will post the "Stupid Person Survival Guide", in which I shall detail what drastic measures must be taken when you encounter one of these heathens.


This seems entertaining...

Why hello there.

This is an experiment, in which I make a blog and see how long I bother updating it. It might end up being fun, depending on the type of traffic I get, or it might be extraordinarily dull in which case I will stop post haste. However, whichever outcome occurs, let it be known that I am not attempting to do anything special with this blog, and it serves no special purpose save for me to post certain links, incidents and various other things I feel the need to share. Also, rants will be quite frequent. I've been told that I can be quite funny, but some times I try to hard...so we'll see how successful this really is.

Either way, I really hope that you don't enjoy the ride, and if you leave a bad comment, I desperately hope it's because of something I said.

Have fun with your pointless endeavors to entertain yourself and make your insignificance a bit more meaningful...